
Rust Is Fun 🦀


6-Minute Read


Interaction between technology is great! While giving developers from either language the chance to tap into a potentially larger and - in other areas maybe? - useful technology. These interactions have to be explored to know their limits and where they excel.

3 Ways To Get Closer To Your Customers

Become a local hero (of sorts) with Azure regions.


6-Minute Read


Do you have users around the globe? Have you ever worried about response times or local laws? A major advantage of any cloud provider is that this is usually easy to take care of - however is it worth the extra cost of closer to customers?

Can Rust speed up your Azure Functions?

Using Rust on Microsoft Azure Functions with web assembly


8-Minute Read

Burj Kalifa

What do you think about serverless? Is it the best thing ever - or just another terrible idea? Regardless if you love or hate the term or technology, I think universal access to it is critical. And since Rust is fast, safe, and simply awesome I’ll give that a try!

We failed to predict rental prices, here's what we learned.

What the data tells you about your business.


9-Minute Read


With Microsoft I get to travel to interesting places and events around the world - and I get to work with companies to solve whatever they think accelerates their business the most. This time, we invited several companies to work with assigned Microsoft software engineers over several days focussing on two things:

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Learn FinTech, Rust, actors, and async in two Manning LiveProjects

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Learn basic Rust and CS101

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What if the entire world uses Rust?